1 Károly Ihrig Doctoral School of Management and Business, University of Debrecen, Hajdú-Bihar, Hungary
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This study explores core principles and emerging trends in green human resource management (GHRM), with a focus on the South Asian context. Using the PRISMA framework, a review of 69 publications from 2001 to 2023 was conducted to examine the intersection of environmental management and human resource practices. The review reveals a growing interest in GHRM since 2015 but highlights a significant gap in addressing sociocultural nuances specific to South Asia. The analysis covers various GHRM operational functions, including green recruitment, procurement, maintenance and development, and it provides a comprehensive overview of key research areas and theoretical frameworks. Despite increased research activity, a lack of focus on sociocultural issues such as gender, diversity and industrial relations in South Asia is evident. Findings suggest a need for further research to address these gaps and to understand institutional challenges in implementing GHRM practices. An integrated approach and collaboration with external stakeholders are recommended to advance GHRM in emerging economies.
Green human resource management, bibliometric analysis, South Asia, environmental management practices
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